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Submit an application

Your application must include:

  • The completed registration form

  • A curriculum vitae (maximum two pages, PDF format)

  • An artist’s statement (maximum one page, PDF format)

  • A letter of intent presenting your research/experimentation/production project, including any specific needs in terms of technical resources, if applicable (maximum one page, PDF format)

  • A portfolio of 10 to 15 images (JPG format – 200 dpi / format: A5) accompanied by a description list of the images

  • For videos, performance, contemporary dance or music, provide a link (Vimeo, YouTube), accompanied by the password.

You must name your file as follows:

MANUM Project_2018/19_last name_first name_Recommandation A/B or C

A jury of peers evaluates the applications. For each residency, MANUM selects artists whose practices are complementary in nature or in dialogue with each other and comply with its mandate.

MANUM offers artists:

  • Space and time for research and experimentation

  • Privileged access to local resources and diverse areas of knowhow

  • An international art community


Artists are selected according to the following criteria:

  • The artistic quality of the proposal

  • The potential impact of the residency on the artist’s career

  • A constructive mix of art practices

  • A mix of genders and generations

  • Representation by artists from Canada and France

All incomplete applications will be automatically rejected. / You will not receive an acknowledgment of receipt by email.


For any questions, contact the FMICA Organizers team:











2018 MANUM Residency Program / FMICA Organizers (SAFPEM Institute)




MANUM residency: is a French-Canadian private artist-run center the mandate of which is to provide an international community of artists and authors in contemporary Arts with support by offering space (Maison Blanche de Sainte-Geneviève-Les-Gasny) and time for research and experimentation, as well as privileged access to local resources and knowhow.


The residency is situated in Normandy, a village on the north shore of Paris, in a unique geographic and historical locale who the impressionism movement was created by French painter Claude Monet.

The predominant aspects of the landscapes are farms, forests, and the river. Sainte-Geneviève-Les-Gasny is situated 53 km from Paris City and 3 km from Giverny (Museum of Claude Monet).


N    O    R    M    A    N    D    Y


Normandy is one of the 18 regions of France, roughly corresponding to the historical Duchy of Normandy.

Administratively, Normandy is divided into five departments: CalvadosEureMancheOrne, and Seine-Maritime. It covers 30,627 square kilometers (11,825 sq. mi), comprising roughly 5% of the territory of metropolitan France. Its population of 3.37 million accounts for around 5% of the population of France. Normans is the name given to the inhabitants of Normandy, and the region is the homeland of the Norman language.

Normandy has a rich tradition of painting and gave to France some of its most important artists. In the 17th century some major French painters were Normans like Nicolas Poussin and Jean-Jouvenet.

Romanticism drew painters to the Channel coasts of Normandy. Richard Parkes Bonington and J. M. W. Turner crossed the Channel from Great Britain, attracted by the “light” and “landscapes”. Théodore Géricault, a native of Rouen, was a notable figure in the Romantic Movement, its famous Radeau de la Méduse being considered come the breakthrough of pictorial romanticism in France when it was officially presented at the 1819 Salon. The competing Realist tendency was represented by Jean-François Millet, a native of La Hague. The landscape painter Eugène Boudin, was a determining influence on the impressionists and was highly considered by Claude Monet.

Breaking away from the more formalized and classical themes of the early part of the 19th century, Impressionist painters preferred to paint outdoors, in natural light, and to concentrate on landscapes, towns and scenes of daily life.

Leader of the movement and father of modern painting, Claude Monet is one of the best known Impressionists and a major character in Normandy's artistic heritage. His house and gardens at Giverny are one of the region's major tourist sites, much visited for their beauty and their water lilies, as well as for their importance to Monet's artistic inspiration. Normandy was at the heart of his creation, from the paintings of Rouen's cathedral to the famous depictions of the cliffs at Etretat, the beach and port at Fécamp and the sunrise at Le Havre. It was Impression, Sunrise, Monet's painting of Le Havre, that led to the movement being dubbed Impressionism. After Monet, all the main avant-garde painters of the 1870s and 1880s came to Normandy to paint its landscapes and its changing lights, concentrating along the Seine valley and the Norman coast.

Landscapes and scenes of daily life were also immortalised on canvas by artists such as William TurnerGustave Courbet, Eugène Boudin, Camille PissarroAlfred SisleyAuguste RenoirGustave CaillebottePaul GauguinGeorges SeuratPaul SignacPierre BonnardGeorges Braque and Pablo Picasso. While Monet's work adorns galleries and collections all over the world, a remarkable quantity of Impressionist works can be found in galleries throughout Normandy, such as the Museum of Fine Arts in Rouen, the Musée Eugène Boudin in Honfleur or the André Malraux Museum in Le Havre.

Maurice Denis, one of the leaders and theoricists of the Nabis movement in the 1890s, was a native of Granville, in the Manche department.


The Société Normande de Peinture Moderne was founded in 1909 in Normandy by Pierre DumontRobert Antoine Pinchon, Yvonne Barbier and Eugène Tirvert. Among members were Raoul Dufy, a native of Le Havre, Albert MarquetFrancis Picabia and Maurice Utrillo. Also in this movement were the Duchamp brothers, Jacques Villon and Marcel Duchamp, considered one of the father of modern art, also natives of Normandy. Jean Dubuffet, one of the leading French artists of the 1940s and the 1950s was born in Le Havre.


Originally based on the idea of encounters between New-Arts artists with contemporary practices and those using regional traditional skills, MANUM now welcomes Contemporary Arts Artists from all disciplines. The residencies at MANUM are intended for professional artists, both established and emerging, from all over the world. They offer artists and authors an opportunity to explore their artistic research more deeply, to experiment, and to create in a cultural space that is unique, lively, and stimulating. MANUM is a member of the Middle East & Europe Specialized Institute of Contemporary Arts (SAFPEM - FMICA Organizers) in Canada and France.

The residency projects periods offered in spring, summer, and fall usually bring together four artists and one author in contemporary Arts. However, in 2018 MANUM is undertaking its major capital investment program, as part of which its premises will be completely reconstructed. MANUM is therefore, exceptionally, using a temporary site that will give residents access to a shared studio attached to their living quarters.

As a consequence, only seven (7) artists and one author (manager) will be selected for each Two-week / Four-week / or Eight week (as maximum period) residency period.


# For MANUM, 2018 is a pivotal year, as the center’s premises will be completely torn down and reconstructed on the current site. To underline this year of change, while remaining open to artists of all types, the 2018 program particularly encourages artists in whose practices memory, transmission and oblivion are issues; those who address notions of light, nature, the environment; those whose work is based on ideas about abstract arts, renewal, and transformation; and those whose approach involves studying the local environment or intervention on the land.


G    e    n    e    r    a    l            C    o    n    d    i    t    i    o    n    s    !


C/ The Two-week residency includes (Blue Package):

•          Residency housing

•          Lodging in 4 apartments (+ 2,400 m2 Atelier + 1,5 Hectare Garden) shared by the 10 residents (in maximum couple + couple + couple + 4 per.)

•          Access to a shared exterior & interior studio (Atelier) located in the residency

•          Access to local resources (American Impressionism Museum, 3 km / Claude Monet Museum 2,8 km / Vernon Library 5 km ect…)

•          Technical and logistical support

•          Public circulation (just in 100 meter) + (Bus stop / just 100 meter far than residency)

•          Airport transport service (just in 100 meter)

•          Meals Rate (No Per Diem)



Total Cost = 900 - 1500 Euros




Further informations:


  • Room services and cleaning: Including Bath packages, towels and sleeping stuffs ect… (Room and restroom cleaning will be done once a week).

  • Someone will be in service for buying any required items during the week.

  • Choosing Meals Option in residency accommodation is not obligatory (If not selected this item, perdieum cost will be deducated from the final recipt).

  • Meals will be provided by the MANUM group three times aday dusring the stated hours.At the end of each residency period, a goodbye ceremony will be held by MANUM managers. In this final party, artists group, supervisers, representatives of the regional municipality and special guests of the mayor, collectioners, museum managers and related art companies will attend.

  • The selection of food menus will be a weekly responsible for the director of each art groups.

  • WIFI internet.

  • Taxi services.

  • ​



O  u  r        M  a  i  n        M  e  a  l  s  . . .





Our Annual Themes for Visual Artists:

  • Considering the importance of this region in imperssionism art mouvment, MANUM projects have special symbolic thems related to this matter.

  • Accepted artists, beside all their artistic plans and during their residency are obliged to implement the predicted themes of MANUM annual programs (themes).

  • During each residency period, each artist should provide three (3) art works according to residency`s goals (annual themes).

  • The two main themes for this year are “Light” and “some  details of Claude Monet`s famous paintings”.

  • (All further details for annual themes and other project terms will be mentioned in later contracts).


Residency periods:

-          Spring : between May 1 to June 30, 2018 (*Now is Closed)

-          Summer : between August 5 to September 28, 2018 (Possible)

-          Fall : between October 10 to December 10, 2018 (Possible)


** Due to execution of the capital investment project MANUM: Please note that the 2018 residencies will take place at a temporary site situated in Sainte-Genevieve-Les-Gasny ** 

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